How to estimate the value of π…

… using Monte Carlo simulation

Many moons ago…

I was interviewing for internships while in grad school and I am and have always been a terrible interviewer. Period. This interview, turned out to be the atypical technical interview which called for an out of the box interview. The interviewer was a, I later learned, a PhD in particle physics and his interest was in gauging my skills in designing and implementing Monte Carlo simulations. The question was

Given a (pseudo) random number generator, how can you estimate the value of π

At this point, you would do well to NOT read on and think about designing the experiment by yourself and then you can can read on to see three possible solutions below. Hint: eschew premature optimization

The dead simple solution

Without loss of generality, consider a unit circle (i.e. of radius 1 and centered at the origin in the Cartesian plane). The equation of this circle will be x^2 + y^2 = 1

Circumscribe a square box around the circle, such that its sides are parallel to the x and y axes. Now, we know that for any pair of numbers (x, y), if x and y are on the circle,

Assume the random number generator generates numbers between -1.0 to 1.0. I can use this to generate a pair of numbers (x_i, y_i) designating a point on the xy plane. We know that this point must lie on or inside the circumscribed square, the area of which is 4. The area of the circle is \pi, so the probability that (x_i, y_i) will lie inside the circle should be \pi/4.

The code

Or how to be shown the door early.

The following code works but as I will discuss, it is a cardinal sin to give someone the following solution.

 1import numpy as np
 4def inside_circle(x: float, y: float) -> bool:
 5    return 1 if x ** 2 + y ** 2 - 1 < 0 else 0
 8def estimate_pi(n=1000000):
 9    nums = 2 * np.random.random_sample((n, 2)) - 1.0
11    insides = np.array([1 if inside_circle(x, y) else 0 for x, y in nums])
12    mean = np.mean(insides)
13    return 4 * mean
16if __name__ == "__main__":
17    estimate_pi()

Technically, the above code is correct but grossly insufficient. Let us first dwell on why it is technically correct. Then we can point out the insufficiency of it all.

Lines 4-5 defines a function that determines if a point (x,y) lies inside or outside the circle.

The function estimate_pi() runs the simulations n times.

Line 9 is where we draw a pair of numbers (x_i,y_i) n times. Since the numbers themselves are actually in the range [0,1], they have to be scaled up by a factor of 2 and then subtract by 1 to produce numbers in the range [-1,1].

In line 11, we determine if each pair of (x_i,y_i) is inside the unit circle (1) or outside (0), and we create an array of size n so that for every pair that is inside the unit circle is produces 1 while every one outside the unit circle produces 0.

Then, it is a simple matter of averaging to arrive at an estimate of π which is line 12 - 13. Line 12 estimates \frac{\hat{\pi}}{4} and line 13 then multiplies this by 4 to provide the estimate {\hat{\pi}}

Of course, I teased the idea that this solution would have led to me being shown the door. That’s because I am providing a way to estimate π but nowhere have I provided an error estimate and it is a cardinal sin in this field to provide a Monte Carlo simulation that does not provide an error estimate. In fact, I Googled estimate pi using monte carlo and in the first page of results, only one site bothered to deal with errors. I plan to revisit this at a later point. For now, this fatally flawed solution will have to do.