Django sessions

Django’s sessions support is one the load-bearing structures in Django. Almost every Django project you will be involved in will likely involve Django’s session support. In fact when you invoke django-admin startproject the default file will have Django sessions autoconfigured. You will find it in


As you can see Django sessions is autoincluded in INSTALLED_APPS and in MIDDLEWARE. I recommend reading through the source code for SessionMiddleware but not just yet. But before we can understand Django sessions, what constitutes a session? To quote MDN In client-server protocols, like HTTP, sessions consist of three phases:

  1. The client establishes a TCP connection (or the appropriate connection if the transport layer is not TCP).

  2. The client sends its request, and waits for the answer.

  3. The server processes the request, sending back its answer, providing a status code and appropriate data.

Thus, it a user’s interaction with your website or API server that constitutes a session. As such, the session could be through a browser or an app (or another web service but we will not concern ourselves with that). Note that I never claimed that a user had to authenticate himself/herself to the website to establish a session. Just interaction is enough. Django’s idea of a session is slightly different. It sees a session as starting when it begins to track client interaction with the server. It does nothing to track interactions by default, I must note. Look at the following request/response HTTP headers below

../_images/request_header_no_cookies.jpg ../_images/response_header_no_cookies.jpg

Now give Django a reason to establish a session. You can do that by adding the following line of code to any Django view (before it returns)


Now if you were to use the browser to refresh the view you will see that the HTTP response header will have changed to the one captured below. This


See where it says Set-Cookie: sessionid=ypn0ion81nfjsbqopb0uj2bwqryjvbfd; HttpOnly; Path=/; SameSite=Lax

That sessionid is the beginning of Django starting to track the user session. All it took was poking the session hornet by calling request.session.set_expiry(0). what’s more, now that the session is set, it will remain there. What happens behind the scenes is that Django creates a Session object and puts it into the database (DB). I have ipython installed in my virtual environment so django-admin shell brings up ipython

Python 3.9.6 (default, Jul  4 2021, 11:47:56)
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IPython 7.26.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session

In [2]: Session.objects.all()
Out[2]: <QuerySet [<Session: ypn0ion81nfjsbqopb0uj2bwqryjvbfd>]>

It is possible to specify a different DB for Session model objects or use a key-value cache such as Memcached or Redis but I digress.

Here are a few factoids about sessions that are obvious to most but not to some (and I have seen some bizarre code by those who are oblivious):

  1. As you might have guessed, the sessionid you see in the cookies section has a value that is used as the primary key for the Session object in the DB.

  2. A returning client is identified by the sessionid cookie. If the client resets the cookie, Django will think it is a new client interating with it and will potentially assign it a new sessionid cookie and create a new Session object in the DB. I say potentially because as I said earlier, Django needs a reason to track the session.

  3. Django sessions are server-based. They are not set on a per-view basis or a per-app basis (by which I mean a Django app as will be listed in INSTALLED_APPS in If the client visits say a view that has been mapped to a relative URL /hello/world on a server and then it visits a different view that maps on to the relative URL /hello/world2 on the same server, the sessionid cookie remains unchanged.

  4. Session objects have an age associated with them. It is governed by SESSION_COOKIE_AGE variable in It defaults to 2 weeks. The expiration age is expressed in number of seconds. If there is no activity between the client and server for that many seconds, the session is considered stale and all data on the server associated with that sessionid will be marked unusable (we will expand on this in the subsequent section)

  5. One thing Django never explicitly states - and I feel it ought to do so - is that the session cookie expiration resets everytime a client re-interacts with the server.

  6. Django sessions survive server restarts. This is because they the Session objects are persisted either to cache or DB.

Session expiration reset

To demonstrate how session expiration is reset everytime a new request comes to Django, create the following setup:

create Django template view with the following template

class HelloWorldView(TemplateView):
    template_name = 'helloworld.html'

    def get(self, request: HttpRequest, *args, **kwargs):
        counter = request.session.get('counter', 0)
        request.session['counter'] = counter + 1
        context = {'counter': counter}
        return render(request, self.template_name, context)

with the helloworld.html template file as below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Hello World</title>
Hello World <br>
Counter : <b>{{counter}}</b>

Set SESSION_COOKIE_AGE to something manageable like 30 (secs) and we will use Chrome devtools to see the sessionid cookie. We will find that everytime you refresh the link for this view, the session expiry time will be updated. If we wait for a period longer than SESSION_COOKIE_AGE (30 secs in this case), we should see the sessionid change. That’s the trivial part. What does it matter in practice when a session expires and gets replaced by a new session (or to be precise a new sessionid)? What it means is that any data associated the session is treated as being lost and you have to start from scratch. That’s where the template view above can be useful as a test setup.

We will keep refreshing the view every few seconds, say around every 5 seconds in the above example. The counter in the template view will always start at 0 when the session is first established - there is no session data available for key ‘counter’ so the variable counter gets the default value 0 but from thereon, as long as the session is unexpired, the counter will keep incrementing. If, however, the session expires - just wait more than 30 secs between any two refreshes - you will see the counter reset to 0 because the older session gets marked as stale and is replaced by a fresh session which also means the value of the key ‘counter’ associated with the old session is lost and the new session starts off like the older session did: there is no value associated with the key ‘counter’.